It's been years since Jim left for peace in eternity, but the memory of his presence, friendship, and time we spent as classmates lingers in our hearts and minds. Not only is Jim and his friendship missed but Lindner's Ice Cream at Franklin Road and Pendleton Pike are missed as well!
A memory sent by classmate Ric Light:
I too remember Jim as just a great guy. Felt like we need to do our best to remember those we have lost.
And yes - I grew up on Lindner’s ice cream since there was a store about 4 blocks from my grade school home. I remember a contest where you picked balloon and paid the price inside for a banana split - and my ballon was 1 cent (probably why I remember it being a bit stunned by the price). Actually their chocolate chip was my regular cone.
Keith Klotz Warren
One of my closest friends during my years at LCHS, I had kept in touch with Jim, even after I left Indiana for San Francisco. I was sorry to hear of his passing through a mutual friend of ours.
Keith Klotz Warren
Nancy Rybar
Yes- Jim was quiet and intelligent, just like you Keith. I knew him mostly from the editorial board of the Cub Reporter- and passing so young- like so many of our classmates. Gone but not forgotten.
Sue Johnson
Jim and I were in elementary school together when I lived down on N. Shortridge Road. The Lindners would go to Florida over spring break and I remember Jimmy would always come back with a tan (he was the only kid in class to do so at that time). Then we moved out of state but eventually came back to Indiana and there I met him again at Belzer. I remember going to a middle school dance with him... still have the picture! Always a gentle, quiet guy. So young to be gone - rest in peace, Jimmy.