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•   Karin Boertmann (Polak)  1/31
•   Greg Snyder  1/6
•   Tim Winenger (Wineinger)  1/3
•   Patty Maris (Lowe)  11/27
•   Brian Hooten  11/25
•   Beckie Rawson (Williams)  10/19
•   Elizabeth Goss (Uebelhor)  10/13
•   Greg Stewart  10/12
•   Mike Adams  10/11
•   Nancy Myers (Catanella)  10/10
Show More


•   Nancy Myers (Catanella)  2/15
•   Tom Moeri  2/17
•   Dennis Hammons  2/24
•   Dave Hillery  3/1
•   Steve Martz  3/3
•   Robert (Bob) Cowan  3/6
•   Gail Swingle (Wilson)  3/6
•   John Holland  3/7
•   Karen Tabor (Petterson)  3/8
•   Don Condra  3/13
•   Christine Frakes (Williams)  3/14
•   Kathy Johnson (Wallis)  3/15



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Lawrence Central High School


Thanks to artists, Jan MacDougall & Wendell Lowe for our poster creation! ( & (


Registration is OPEN for our Fall 2024 Social!

Yellow Tab:  Fall 2024 Social

Sunday, October 6, 2024, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m., Jockamo's Pizza

  9165 Otis Ave.  Lawrence, IN  46216

The following classmates met up at our Fall 2024 Social!  Brian Hooten, Ray McBride, Linda Sharp Myers, Patty Maris Lowe, Gary Richardson & Cindy Hutson Schwein, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston & Merrill Eggleston, Bill Judkins & wife, Sandy Judkins, Angelo Zarvas, Judy Blythe, 1st time attender, Jim Douglas!, Mark Crittenden & wife, Vicky Crittenden ('73).

Thanks to classmates for their kind donations to our general funds.  Dave Hillery will be unable to attend.  Thanks too to Dave Fee for returning Wendel Lowe's posters to enjoy at our event. He will be unable to attend.   We'll make a plan to see classmates again next fall.



Friday, September 23, 2022

The Garrison at Harrison State Park, IN

6002 N. Post Rd, Indianapolis, IN  46216

 50th Reunion AttendanceMeet & Greet, Jockamo's 63, Dinner Event The Garrison:  146, Cracker Barrell Breakfast:  30, LC School Tour50!

Fortunately, Covid 19 & its variants didn't cause a reschedule of our reunion! Outdoor temperature was coolish in the 60's and there were bears in the park!

  Fund$ for Fifty & Beyond Raised Reunion Funds and Remains Open on our Home Page Donations Tab.  Thanks always for your support!


Classmates Met Ric Light's $2000.00 Match Challenge!

Thanks Ric for Your $2000.00 Donation!

Search LCHS Yearbooks since 1942 to present at:


Let's COME TOGETHER for our 1st Annual Meet & Greet

Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Jockamo's Pizza at 9165 Otis Ave., Lawrence, IN  46216

Register on Yellow tab:  2023 Meet & Greet

Registered:  Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Merrill Eggleston, Kevin & Karin Haase, Linda Sharp Myers, Angelo Zarvas, Jeff Phillips, Brian Hooten & Debbie Switzer Hooten, Bill Judkins & Sandy Judkins, Gary Richardson & Cindy Hutson Schwein, Ray & Resa McBride, Dave & Cathy Fee, Greg Case & Warren Koelling, Mark Crittenden ....


5/17/2023:  Reunion Committee Members met and agreed on an annual Meet & Greet.  

9/22/22 50th Reunion Meet & Greet at Jockamo's:  63 Attended.  Thanks for your support and/or attendance!  Photos are in our 50th Reunion Photo Gallery or on LC Class of 1972 closed facebook page.  

9/23/22 50th Reunion Dinner at The Garrison:  146 Attended!   Thanks for your support and/or attendance!  Photos and attendees are in our 50th Reunion Photo Gallery.  Let's go for a 55th reunion!

Brian Hooten took this 50th Reunion LC classmates photo gathered at The Garrison!

See our 50th Reunion Photo Gallery or LC Class of 72 facebook page for numerous photos!

50th Breakfast at Cracker Barrel at I-69 & E. 96th St.:   Approximately 30 attended.  It was a great gathering place to meet to visit with friends!  Thanks for attending!

50th LC School Tour:  50 attended, led by Barb Austin of LTSF and Adrian Gatewood, Assistant Principal of LCHS!  We appreciate Jen Gibbs of LTSF who helped lead us to a west side, LC entrance.  See more photos in our 50th Reunion Photo Gallery and on our closed circuit LC Class of 72 facebook page.

Funds for Fifty! (Unmatched) since 3/2/22 until 9/23/22 50th reunion!:  We are grateful for classmate donations throughout our Funds for Fifty Campaign  We were able to enjoy our reunion events and keep a healthy balance in our account for future events!   

9/15/22 50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:  Culvers, 56th & Post Rd., 1:00 p.m.

8/15/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:  The Garrison, Harrison Park, Blue Heron Room, Buffet Lunch.  Attendees:  L-R:  Angelo Zarvas, Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Bill Judkins, Kevin Haase, Dave Fee, Linda Sharp Myers, Jan MacDougall, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.

7/14/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:  July 14, 2022, 1:00 p.m., Culver's, 21st & Shadeland.  

6/9/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:   Thursday, June 9, 20 22 at 1:00 p.m. at Culver's, 21st & Shadeland.  Jan MacDougall, Dave Fee, Angelo Zarvas, Kevin Haase, Brian Hooten, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston & guest:  Barb Austin with Lawrence Township Foundation regarding a gift from our class.

4/28/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:  12:30 p.m. at The Garrison.  Attendees:  Bill Judkins, Brian & Debbie Switzer Hooten, Kevin Haase, Angelo Zarvas, Linda Sharp Myers & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.  Spotify music sound check was accomplished.

3/31/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:  1:00 p.m. at Culvers at 21st & Shadeland.  Attendees:  Jan MacDougall, Brian Hooten, Dave Fee, Linda Sharp Myers, Bill Judkins, Kevin Haase, Gary Richardson, Angelo Zarvas, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston & Merrill.  

L-R: 1.  Gary Richardson, Angelo Zarvas, Jan MacDougall, Brian Hooten; 2:  Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Dave Fee, Linda Sharp Myers, Bill Judkins, Kevin Haase, Gary Richardson; 3:  Linda Sharp Myers, Bill Judkins, Kevin Haase, Angelo Zarvis, Jan MacDougall, Brian Hooten, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Dave Fee 

02/17/22:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held:    Culvers, 21st & Shadeland, Indpls.  50th Reunion Registration to be opened!  Classmate Sponsorship is available for the asking, thanks to generous classmate donations!  Dinners will cost $35.00!   Please update photos & e-mails under your profile.   

 Enjoy a few photos of attending committee members from left to right:  Bill Judkins, Kevin Haase, Gary Richardson, Dave Fee, Brian Hooten, Angelo Zarvas, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.

12/28-31/21 & 1/8/22:  Rick Light matched classmate donations of $50& higher, if up to $2000 from June 2021 - December 31, 2022.  We made it!  Ric Light, matched our $2000 New Year's Day 2022!  

Match Challenge Donations = $2000.00!

  + Plus Classmates Generously Exceeded Our Goal by $200.00!

12/10/21:  Classmate Gathering:  Quilt Raffle Offered by Sherry McVay McGuire!

SherryMcVay McGuire and husband, Michael of Lincoln, NE came through Indianapolis and met with Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.  Sherry made a beautiful, signed, all cotton, 68" x 68" quilt for raffle at our 50th Class Reunion Dinner! Later, Bill & Sandy Judkins donated a Honey Bee basket & a 70's theme raffle basket.  Dave & Cathy Fee donated a Yellowstone theme basket for the raffle.  Angelo Zarvas donated a Go Greek raffle basket. At the reunion dinner Sheila Taylor Hauck donated a 12 x 16" beautiful New Mexico night sky photo she took for raffle.   Raffle tickets were $5 each or 5 tickets for $20!  Raffle funds support the Lawrence Township Foundation in support of LC'sTimeline/Historical Wall at LC's Main Entrance!  Our raffle ended with $1270!  Thanks to our raffle sponsors!  The raffle proceeds made all the reunion fund-raising difference!

12/8/21:  50th Reunion Planning Meeting Held: 2:00 p.m., Culvers, 21st & Shadeland. Members:  Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Kevin Haase, Brian Hooten, Linda Sharp Myers, Gary Richardson & Toni Benningfield Smith 

11/26-12/4/2021:  Thanks to classmates for donations!  Linda Sharp Myers ($100), Linda Allanson Bromund ($200).  Thanks so much!

11/26/21:  Classmate Gathering:  Anne Hergenroether McGowan & husband, Don were in town during Thanksgiving week and met up with Kevin Haase, Linda Sharp Myers and Joyce DeBaun Eggleston at Art's Skillet in Lawrence, IN!  Linda announced that she retires April 30th, 2021!  Congratulations Linda!

11/18/2021:  Lost your yearbook?  Capture 1942 to 2006 yearbooks at the following link:   

11/18/2021:  Please keep your e-mail address, profiles, if you will & upload current photos to our LCHS Class Website.

6/29 - 11/23/2021:  Thanks to Classmates for donations to our Funds for Fifty campaign.  Your donations made our website and our reunion possible.  

We heard from classmate, Mark Davis of New Orleans.  Mark said he's continuing to work with a son in college and a high school student. We'll miss him at our 50th, but look forward to seeing you again!      

05/30/2021:  Challenge!  Classmate, Ric Light contributed $200 to Funds for Fifty and a challenge!  Individual donations of $50+ will be matched, up to $2000 through 2021!  LC Classmates met Ric's challenge on 12/31/2022!

Thanks to Ric for the challenge & match, Ric & Connie Light!  

Donations can be made on our website or by check to

LCHS Class of 1972 Inc:  7626 Honnen Dr. S., Indianapolis, IN  46256

06/30/2021 Joyce DeBaun Eggleston retired from IU Health Physicians, University Hospital, Indianapolis, IN!  

2/17/2021:  Fellow classmate, Chuck Case was laid to rest 2/26/2021.  Thank you for your prayers for wife, Angie and children, Cassandra and Matthew.  Please post thoughts or memories under Memorial Tab.

9/16/2020:  Heidi Masters,welcomes letters to:  Highland Care Center, 4285 Highland Dr., Holiday, Utah  84124. She sends her love and keeps us in her prayers.  

09/30/20:  In the month of September 2020 we have received $300 of donations to our Funds for Fifty.  

08/31/2020 Mike Adams retired from his labors!.  His wife, Carol is retiring as well!  Congratulations!

Let us hear from you!  We'll post your news!  Be safe out there during Covid-19 pandemic & beyond!  

06/18/2020:  Welcome to Ron Picciotti to our website registration.    

03/29/2019:  Ann Hergenroether McGowan wrote:  She retired from job as patient care coordinator at College of Dental Medicine, Augusta, GA. She and Don love to travel in their RV.  They rent out their home in Augusta, GA during the April Master's week.  Tiger Woods won the Golf Masters in 2019! 

May 2019:  Pam Stephens retired from her labors in Denver to enjoy family.  Enjoy & stay in touch!

Password Resets

2 ways to reset a password.

1.  Forgot Password? (PW) link to reset his/her PW.  Classmate (CM) goes to our homepage, clicks "Forgot Password" in the Log In box in the upper right corner.  This will allow CM to reset the lost PW.

2.  If #1 doesn't work: Preferred PW change is for admin to e-mail classmate a reset PW prompt.

Come Together!

Fall 2018 Gathering at Jockamo's Pizza,k Lawrence, IN:  Gary Richardson, Ray Strickland, Kurt Schmadeke, Judy Blythe, Deb Switzer ('73), Linda Sharp Myers, Merrill Eggleston, Brian Hooten, Judy Blythe

45th Reunion dinner held Saturday, September 16, 2017 at

    Saxony Hall, 13362 Pennington Rd., Fishers, IN  46037

 _____Activities _____

Reunion photos are posted on the yellow tab: 45th Reunion Photos!

Meet & Greet:  Friday, 9/15/2017,  7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Joan Moorman Burris, Susan Kaiser, Mike Adams, Patty Maris Lowe, Carol Adams

Jockamo's Pizza, Party Room, 9165 Otis Ave., Lawrence, IN  46216

BreakfastSaturday, 9/16/2017, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Kevin Haase, Gary Richardson, Jan MacDougallo, Chuck Case, Jane Nelson, Dave Hillery, Linda Sharp Myers

Panera Bread, 9145 E. 56th St., Lawrence, IN  46216

LCHS School Tour:  We met at the flag pole (once again) Sat., 9/16/2017, 11 a.m.

Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Gary Richardson, Janeen Hayes, Linda Sharp Myers, Marsha Hall Morbelli, Judy Blythe, Patty Maris Lowe, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Lynn Sanders (;71), Anne Hergenroether McGowan, Chuck Case.  The school was definitely something into the future!

7300 E. 56th St., Lawrence, IN  46226 - Our tour was led by Lynn Sanders, Class of 1971, Special Education teacher at LCHS

45th Reunion at Saxony Hall, Fishers, IN  

Thanks to family:  Krysta, Sydney & Sarah Eggleston for organizing our group photo!

Registered Reunion Dinner Guests: 55.   Goal:  100.

Donations:  $1960.00!  Goal:  $2000.00.

A Special Thanks for Donations:  Mike Adams, Linda Allanson Bromund_Jon Cheek_Nathan Coons_ Joyce DeBaun Eggleston_Michele Fraser Geller_ Bill Freije_Anne Hergenroether McGowan_ Linda Knauss Tickle_Wendell & Mary Herr Lowe_Kim Moloney_ Marsha Hall Morbelli_ Brian Hooten_Kenny Lewis_Jan MacDougall_ Karen Marshall Luther_Sherry McVay McBride_Gary Richardson_Garry Robertson_Susie Schwegman_Angelo Zarvas,  

Reunion Dinner Per person by check = $40.00.  Per person credit cards = $45.00. 

        Let's Come Together!

Registered Classmates to Saturday, 9/16/2017 Saxony Dinner Event:  

Mike Adams + Carol_ Toni Benningfield Smith + Ron_Chuck Case_Greg Case_Jeff Doll_Nancy Bless Gilleran + Mike_Judy Blythe_Jon Cheek_Joyce DeBaun Eggleston + Merrill_Stewart Dewitt_Linda Dickey Goshen_Stephen + Dawn Emery_Bill Freije_Kevin Haase + Karen_Anne Hergenroether McGowan_Dave Hillery + Jane Nelson_Marsha Hall Morbelli_Brian & Debbie Hooten_Susan Kaiser_Kenny Lewis + Shonda_Phyllis Lewis Wilson_Jan MacDougall_Patty Maris Lowe_Karen Marshall Luther + Mike_Kim Moloney_Joan Moorman Burris_Shirley Nungester Kottlowski_Jeff Phillips_Gary Richardson_Linda Sharp Myers_Rod Romeril + Cara_Mickey Sheeler Peek_LaRee Villines.  Conflicts arose for Linda Allanson Bromund & Carl, Brian & Deb Hooten, Michele Fraser Geller & Linda Knauss Tickle.

The Bear's News (TBN):  Dave Fee retired on Friday, September 1, 2017.  His wife is still working!

Classmate Gathering Held:    Friday, 4/19/2019.  Classmate, artist, Wendell Lowe displayed 2017 award winning art at the Indianapolis Art Center, 802 E. 67th St. Indps., IN    Attended:  Wendell & Mary Lowe & daughters, Ashley & Rachel, Angelo Zarvas & his daughter & son, Greg & Sandy Farrell, Michael Knight, Linda Sharp Myers, Merrill & Joyce Eggleston.

Classmate Gathering Held:  Sunday, 9/16/2018 at Jockamos Pizza, 9165 Otis Ave., Lawrence, IN  46216.  Non-alcoholic refreshments, salads and pizzas were paid for with class funds.    

Classmate Gathering Held:   January 21, 2018, 4:- 5:30 p.m.  Shapiros Restaurant at 808 S. Meridian St., Indpls, IN in memory of classmate, Kenny Scott Lewis, Jr., Clinton Brown, & Jan MacDougall's brother, Bruce MacDougall.  Attendees:  Gary Richardson, Ray Strickland, Linda Sharp Myers, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Kenny's friend, Charlie and Shapiros employee, Rick. Joyce strummed the guitar and sang Vince Gills "Go Rest High on that Mountain.   

45th Reunion:  Saturday, September 16, 2017, 6:00 - 10 p.m., Saxony Hall, Fishers, IN

45th Reunion Meeting :  Sunday, 8/20/17, 3-5:00 p.m. at City Barbeque, 9367 Ambleside Dr., Fishers, IN  46038.  

45th Reunion Meeting:  Sunday, 7/23/2017, 3-5 p.m. at McDonalds at 71st & Binford. Attendees:  Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston

45th Reunion Meeting:  Sunday, 6/25/2017, 3:-5:00 p.m., Arby's at Shadeland & 21st St.  Attendees:  Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Linda Sharp Myers, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston

45th Reunion Meeting :  Sunday, 5/21/2017, 3:-5:00 p.m. at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216.  Let's do this!  Banking balance after Saxony Rental & Deposit:  $135.00.

45th Reunion Meeting :  Sunday, 3/5/2017, 3:-5:00 p.m. at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216.  Attendees:  Kevin Haase, Cindy Heilwagen Gregory, Gary Richardon, Brian Hooten & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.

45th Reunion Meeting:  Sunday, 01/29/2017, 3-5:00 p.m. at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216.  Attendees:  Kenny Lewis, Gary Richardson, Linda Sharp Myers, Kevin Haase, Brian & Debbie Hooten, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.    Next Meeting:  3/5/2017, 3-5:00 p.m. 

Classmate Social   Saturday, July 16, 2016, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Shapiros Delicatessen at 808 S. Meridian, Indianapolis, IN  46225.  Attended by Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Kevin Haase, Angelo Zarvas, Kenny Lewis, Linda Sharp Myers, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.  It was so good to laugh with LC friends!


Brian Hooten, Linda Sharp Myers, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Angelo Zarvas, Kenny Lewis

Come Together! 

To start off our 45th reunion we have $550 raised toward website costs and reunion planning expenses.   Mail contributions to:  LCHS Class of 1972 Inc. to home of Joyce Eggleston, 7626 Honnen Dr. S., Indpls. IN  46256

Share your passions with classmates! Update your website profiles & photos!

Post photos, converse with classmates on our closed facebook page:  LC Class of 72

The Bear News (TBN): Linda Allanson Bromond & husband, Carl carved out a golf course at home near Ft Huachuca, AZ.  

Classmate Social::  Sunday, 9/20/2015, 4:00 p.m.,  Jockamo Pizza, 9165 Otis Avenue, Lawrence, IN  46216.  Enjoyed friends, food, atmosphere & service!

Brian Hooten, Linda Sharp Myers, Cynthia Heilwagen Gregory, Friend Michael Schlagman, Merrill Eggleston, Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Jan MacDougal & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston (took the photo).  Splish splash my birds were taking a bath on a Saturday morning:)

The Bear News (TBN): 

07/03/2015:  Merrill & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston celebrated 40 years of marriage in Denver & Glenwood Springs, CO  

2016:  In retirement Brian Hooten is the part-time Fire Marshall in Fishers, IN!

 04/01/2016:  Congrats to Anne Hergenroether McGowan who recovered from a jogging/auto accident with the help of friends, spouse, physical and speech therapies.  Anne returned to her jogging group. AnneStrong!

2015:  Brian Hooten retired in 2015, but is working part time judging referees!  His wife, Debbie (LCHS Class '73) has 2.5 years before retirement!  Hang in there Debbie!

2015:  Kenny Lewis underwent chemo and radiation at IU Health summer of 2015 for colorectal cancer.  He has gained strength since. Prayers to stay strong Kenny!

Classmate Social:  Sunday, 6/14/2015, Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216: 4:00 p.m. 

Classmate Social:   11/25/2014, 7-9 p.m. at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216. 

Jerry Brown:  We've enjoyed having you at our socials.  We wish you and Nora well on your move to Nashville, TN area.  Congrats on the sale of your home!  God bless!  Jerry can be found searching Olden Guitars.

L-R:  Jan MacDougall, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Janet Sweeney Armstrong, Phil Armstrong, Dennis Hammons, Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Anne Hergenroether McGowan, Linda Sharp Myers

Merrill Eggleston, Jan MacDougall, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston

Classmate Social:  October 4, 2014, 4- 6 p, at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Rd., Lawrence, IN  46216

Participants:  Classmates Ray Strickland, Brian Hooten, Jerry Brown, 1st time Phil Armstrong!, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Kenny Lewis & Linda Sharp Myers.


Jerry Brown &, Phil Armstrong, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Kenny Lewis & Linda Sharp Myers 

Classmate Social:   Saturday June 21, 2014 at Indian Lake Country Club, Oaklandon, IN 46236. 

Participants:  Debbie + Brian Hooten, Karen + Kevin Haase, Angelo Zarvas, Linda Sharp Myers, Debi Donarski Kappes, Jan MacDougall

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success."   Henry Ford 

Classmate Social 02/22/2014 at Chili's at 620 Birk / Lavenianan Ct., Martinsville, IN  46151.  Participants:  Classmates Tim Berglund & wife Toni, Brian Hooten & wife Debbie, Debi Donarski Kappes, Jan MacDougall Cathy Krull Kirkman  & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston attended.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The Bear's News (TBN): Our website and domain name are current until August 2017.  Thanks to contributors: Sherry McVay McGuire, Stacia Elliot Ellis, Kenny Lewis, Nathan Coons, Susan Markley, Angelo Zarvas & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.  Excess funds will be applied to our 45th class reunion.  Venue to be announced . Let's Come Together!

Classmate Social 11/26/13:  Classmates, Anne Hergenroether McGowan & husband, Don joined us from Augusta,GA at Culvers, 5525 N. Post Road, Lawrence, IN  46216.  Participants:  Cathy Krull Kirkman, Jan MacDougall, LaRee Villines Milton, Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Gary Richardson, Kevin Haase & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.   Next social:  2/22/2014.   

Classmate Social11/3/13:  Shapiros Delicatessen, 808 S. Meridian St.,  Indianapolis, IN  46225, 4-6:00 p.m.  Classmates:  Ray Strickland, Dennis Hammons, Kenny Lewis, Brian Hooten & wife, Debbie Hooten (Class 73), Jan MacDougall & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, 4-6:00 p.m.   

Bear Business: 

Please update your profile periodically & use the "Contact Us" feature on our website!  We'd love to hear from you!  

Classmate Social at classmate Jim Miller's Noble Coffee in Noblesville, IN  

1. Wendell & Mary (Herr) Lowe, Debi Donarski Kappes, Jan MacDougall, Cathy Krull Kirkman. 2. Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Mary Herr Lowe. 3. Cathy Krull Kirkman, LaRee Villines Milton, Jan MacDougall, Wendell Lowe. 4. Mary Herr Lowe, Cathy Krull Kirkman. 5. LaRee Villines Milton, 1st time attender: Linda Sharp Myers. 6.  Linda Sharp Myers. 7.  Jan MacDougall, Wendell Lowe, Mike Wilson & Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Debi Donarski Kappes.

Classmate Social 03/16/13:    Classmates Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Phyllis Lewis Wilson & husband, Mike, Debi Donarski Kappes & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston met up in Anderson, IN at Greek's Pizzeria at 6317 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.  Later we drove to Sell It Again Sam Antique Mall. Photos below:  

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."   Henry Ford 

Classmate Social November 2013:  Anne Hergenroether McGowan and husband, Don, visited Indianapolis from Augusta, Georgia.  Anne met up with some of us at Panera Bread in Lawrence.

Participants: Jan MacDougall, Kevin Haase, Jerry Brown, Anne Hergenroether McGowan, Cathy Krull Kirkman and newcomer, LaRee Villines Milton (married handsome William Milton, Class '71) & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston.  We appreciated the opportunity to see Anne and look forward to a visit in 2014!  We sent LaRee home with a Come Together poster, and one for Lisa Ellis.  Credits to Jan MacDougall & Wendell Lowe for the posters. 

Classmate Social 11/10/12:  We had a social gathering of classmates & spouses at Shapiros Delicatessen at 808 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN  46225 on Saturday, November 10, 2012  in the banquet room. 

Participants:  Jan MacDougall, Linda Harmon Long, Kevin & LC '71 wife, Karen Haase, Jerry Brown, Wendell + Mary Lowe, Jan Kilies, Cathy Krull Kirkman, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Gary Richardson, Nancy Bless Gilleran, Tim Berglund + wife, Toni, Stewart DeWitt, Kenny Lewis + a nice couple from Plainfield High School that sat in our reserved room!  Jan MacDougall, Cathy Krull Kirkman, Gary Richardson & Joyce DeBaun Eggleston went to the home of Jerry Brown to tour Jerry Brown's guitar making shop!  

We Celebrated our 40th Year Reunion Saturday, September 15, 2012

10450 E. 63RD St., LAWRENCE, IN  46236

Classmate Meet & Greet 2012, (named by Alfred Arnold):  Our Friday, September 14, 2012 Meet & Greet was well attended at Indian Lake Country Club at 10502 E. 75th St., Indianapolis, IN  46236.  Enjoy the pictures! 

In Order:  Karen Magnuson Decker & Roger, Jan MacDougall, Wendell Lowe + Duke Brown  Kathryn (Landie) Landrum,  Gary Richardson, Stewart DeWitt, Steve Tatum, Earl Todd, Debbie Donarski Kappes, Scott Grantham, Cathy Crum, Brian Hooten, Linda Hyle Martino, Marsha Hall Morbelli, Kevin & Karen Haase, Anne Hergenroether, Phyllis Lewis Wilson & Mike


40th Reunion Meet & Greet Participants: Jan MacDougall, Anne + Don McGowan, Alfred Arnold, Scott Grantham,  Claudia Draga Grantham, Gary Richardson, Phyllis Lewis Wilson + Mike Wilson, Cathy Krull Kirkman, Karen Magnuson +husb,  Kevin +Karen Haase, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston + Merrill, Brian Hooten + Debbie Switzer (LC "73) Hooten, Beckie Rawson Williams + Marty Williams, Marsha Hall Morbelli, Earl Todd,  Kurt Schmadeke, Stewart DeWitt, Dennis + Elaine Hammons, Steve Tatum,  Robbie + Joyce Robertson, Claudia Groves Silvey.

40th Year Reunion Activities:  At least 100 of us attended our 40th reunion dinner at Jenn Park & Conference Center on Saturday, 9/15/2012!.   Sarah Arnholter Guider blessed our MCL food, Brian Hooten was our MC. (Great job!)  Speakers were:  Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Jan MacDougall, Karin Boertmann Ricketts & Stewart DeWitt.

Pictures by photographers, David & Krysta Eggleston:  John Saunders, Jeff Biggs & Terry Erotas Biggs

                          Karen Marshall Luther was unable to attend the reunion, but posted an announcement to classmates.  Thanks Karen!   Classmates can "Post Announcement" in the yellow bar to your left.  Let us know if you plan to drive through Indianapolis!  We'll be glad to get some classmates together to visit with you!

40th Reunion Paint, Patch & Clean Event on Sunday, September 9, 2012.  A BIG thanks to contributors: Stewart DeWitt, Jerry Brown, David Brown, Dennis Hammons, Kenny Lewis, Brian Hooten, Gary Richardson, Steve Tatum, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Merrill Eggleston, & Wendell Lowe.    

 Bear Business:   Please keep your e-mail address current.

40th Reunion Committee Members:  Betty Goss Uebelhor, Wendell Lowe, Brian Hooten, Phyllis Lewis Wilson, Stewart DeWitt, Joyce DeBaun Eggleston, Jan MacDougall, Cathy Krull Kirkman, Kevin Haase, Dale Watson, Kenny Lewis, Gary  Richardson, Jan Kilies, Toni Benningfield Smith, Dave Fee     

40th Reunion Jenn Park Prep Day:  Classmates met up at the park & conference center during the day on Saturday. There were lots of bears in the woods! There were comfortable places to gather inside and out.    Committee members decorated our site from 9:00-11 a.m. 

ClassmateSponsors:  Susie Schwegman, Nathan Coons, Steve Tatum, an anonymous classmate who sponsored several classmates, Leslie Wimmenauer & Karl Pfeffer, Karin Boertmann Ricketts (LC Class '76).  These funds are greatly appreciated and will support our reunion efforts to Stay Together!   We keep funds to go toward our website and domain name, gatherings and future reunions.  Thank you!  Thanks to Jan Kilies for maintaining class funds and allowing us to use his PO Box number for our reunions all of these many years!

40th Reunion Entertainment:  Stewart DeWitt, Bob Cowan & David Brown set up for music entertainment by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday.  Classmates participated in some Karaoke that was entertaining! 

40th Reunion Art Decor:  Posters and logo designs for the reunion are a work of art by classmates, Wendell Lowe and Jan MacDougall.  Table decorations were designs by classmate, Phyllis Lewis Wilson!  

40th Reunion Opening Prayer:  In keeping with tradition, Sarah Arnholter Guider gave our opening prayer at the reunion dinner.  We were fortunate to have Sarah & Mike with us again.

Late Mayor Paul Ricketts:  Classmate and dear man, Paul Ricketts reserved Jenn Park in his name a year prior to the reunion.  Sadly, Paul died short of our 40th reunion.  Karin Boertmann Ricketts, wife of the late Mayor Paul Ricketts attended our reunion and eulogized Paul there.  Karin is a friend to our class and a 1976 LCHS graduate.   

Spanish teacher, Mr. Martin McAfee joined us!


Classmate Social:  Kenny LewisLinda AllansonJoyce DeBaun Eggleston, Gary RichardsonJan MacDougall, and Sherry McVay McGuire all met up at GT South's in Indianapolis in June 2012.  Linda was visiting from Arizona!    

Classmates, Wendall Lowe (Lowe Creative Art Programs) and Jan MacDougall (MacDougall Studio) are the artists we can thank for our theme, Come Together & logo!         


Links to reunion photos. Thanks to Sandy Judkins for taking the pictures!

My right knee was replaced about a week ago (first week of October 2024). Recovery is going well!

Power and internet just came back up after being down since 10/9/24 due to Hurricane Milton. These hurricanes are a pain, eh!

Carol and I traveled in July and August 2024 to Elkhart, Indiana where I attended RVTi certification training on servicing RVs and I passed both level 1 and level 2 certifications.

I am so sad to miss this reunion. I know you will have a great time catching up. For health reasons, Carl and I will not be able to make it. He spent 4 days in the ICU this last week due to some heart related issues.
I am looking forward to hearing all about the events and what everyone has been up to lately. Be sure to get lots of photos!

August 14, 2016 my husband, Cary, and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage in Denver, while celebrating the birth of our newest grandchild in Denver.  Posted by Rebecca Clark Tagliaferri 7/15/2016

Hi everyone,
Since I can't make the reunion I'll give tell you what I'm up to: Our daughter, Jill, age 26 got married in April to a great guy she'd known for 10 years. As with any wedding it grew to 225 people but we enjoyed every moment of it. Two weeks later our son, Jame, age 22, graduated from University of North Carolina, Wilmington (UNCW) and by July was moving to NY to work in Times Square for Theatre Mama. He is a theatre major/stage manager. We miss him but not many people get to truly follow their dream.
Mike is working for Nationwide Ins after the law firm he worked for down sized. That was a fun 15 months!!
I am the Administrative Director/HR and "everything else" for a large cleaning company. It's a J.O.B.
I can't tell you how disappointed I am that I (we) can't make the reunion. The stars just didn't align. Oh well... have a wonderful time and know I am with you all in spirit. Take lots of pictures to post on the website.
God willing I'll be at the next one. 2022 or bust!

Classmates:  I'll be sending out a notice of Anne's visit.  There may be others who can get together.  I'll post a gathering place for those who can stop in.  Joyce DeBaun Eggleston



Thanks for the email.  It would be nice to get together again.  The dates I plan to be in Indpls are: Nov 18th – 23rd.  We need to leave early on Friday, 23rd to get back to my husband’s family reunion on Saturday.  I spoke with LaRee a couple of weeks ago.  It was nice to reconnect with her.  I would love to see Bobbie Carmichael, Steve Smith and Paul Bodily.  All of them lived in Chateau LeMans apartments when we going to high school.

You can call me anytime on my cell phone at 706-830-7713,

Have a fabulous weekend!


Anne M. McGowan, MS, CM

Patient Care Coordinator

Georgia Health Science University

College of Dental Medicine

Bldg. GC Room 3234 706 721-2811

The list below are classmates who attended the reunion & dinner at Jenn Park and Conference Center.  A plus sign designates paid for 2.  Mike Adams+     Sarah Guider Arnholter+     Alfred Arnold      Maria Baseggio       Nancy Bless Gilleran      Toni Benningfield Smith+        Jeff Biggs       Sandy Birch Farrell     Judy Blythe           David Brown          Jerry Brown+   Greg Case+      Sandy Caulfield       Bob Cowan       Mark Crittenden+     Cathy Crum Bell    Jane Crum Seigel      Gene Edgecomb     Joyce DeBaun Eggleston+       Linda Degenkolb Wolff +      Jeff Doll       Debi Donarski Kappes         Gene Edgecomb        Stephen Emery       Terry Erotas Biggs      Greg Farrell      Dave Fee      Bill Freije     Sally Fuller Neeld+       Daniel Goris+      Claudia Groves Silvey+     Kevin Haase+    Marsha Hall Morbelli      Dennis Hammons+       Diana Hargis Beaty     Donna Hargis Carey     Julie Hartley Rollins     Beth Henderson Grafton      Diane Henson        Ann Hergenroether McGowan+      Steve Herndon      Mary Herr Lowe      Sandra Hibner Bledsoe+       Paul Hilderbrand        Brian Hooten+     Beverly Hoskins Wood      Lynda Hyle Martino!       Cathy Krull Kirkman     Kathryn Landon Malone     Kenny Lewis     Phyllis Lewis Wilson+    Linda Harmon Long    Wendell Lowe       Jan MacDougall     Karen Magnuson Decker+     Patty Maris Lowe+     Sherry McVay McGuire+     Shirley Nungester Kottlowski      Jeff Phillips      Morris Ratliff+     Beckie Rawson Williams+     Gary Richardson     Karin  (Boertman) Ricketts, LC Class ‘74 (Wife of the late Paul Ricketts)  Karin gifted Paul's ticket to Stewart DeWitt     Gary Rollins      John Saunders      Kurt Schmadeke+       Mickey Sheeler Peek     James Sholty     Debra Spangle Scott       Ray Strickland+      Olea Theaman Wood-Kersey     Earl Todd      Doris Williams Albright     Keith Wood     Angelo Zarvas

If you favor staying in touch with classmates and are interested in future events, please consider supporting our Class Creator web site expense and class fund.  The committee voted favorably to maintain the web site to stay in touch with classmate friends.  A check can be mailed to to following:  LCHS Class Reunion Attn:  Jan Kilies at P.O. Box 421489, Indianapolis, IN  46242.  Please leave your address & phone number with the check so that we can acknowledge your gift.  Please also designate the gift reason on the check, so that funds can be allocated.  Thanks for your support and staying in touch!

40th Reunion Committee Members  


Great to see all the new classmates joining the web site. For anyone interested, we have a Facebook Group page for our class. If anyone wants to join, send me a friend request and I will add you.
Kevin Haase

Let's get some chatter going on either the Message Forum (general ongoing topics) or to be more specific, go to User Topic Forums.  Some Topics have been populated.  Choose a category and then post a response or new topic.  These Forums are open for classmates to post information and can be viewed by all classmates.  It's fairly straightforward, so everyone will adjust to its simplicity.  Administrators can be reached at the "Contact Us" prompt.

In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address (that's a .net, not a .com).
What is whitelisting? Whitelisting simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site and our Classmates. The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address
Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address  when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email. Whitelisting is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving your emails from your fellow Classmates.
Stop and take a moment to whitelist right now, and ensure you stay connected!
Jan and Joyce